Acronym Index

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AAP Accountability to Affected Populations - -
AAR After action review RPE -
AAWG Assessment and Analysis Working Group - -
ABW Aruba - -
ACAPS Assessment Capacities Project - -
AD Active Directory - -
AD Area Director DA -
AD Assisted Discharge - -
ADW Air Dropped Weapon ALA -
AFAD Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency - -
AFG Afghanistan - -
AGO Angola - -
AHT Anti-Human Trafficking LCTSH -
AIA Anguilla - -
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - -
AJS Acute Jaundice Syndrome - -
ALA Åland Islands - -
ALB Albania - -
ALF Accountability and Learning Framework RCMA -
ALNAP Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action - -
AmCross American Red Cross - -
AMiRA Action for Migrants: Route Based Assistance - -
AmRC American Red Cross CRA CRA
AND Andorra - -
AOB Any Other Business - -
AP Asia Pacific - -
APEL Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning - -
API Application Programming Interface IPA -
APiE Assessment and Planning in Emergencies - -
APIN Asia Pacific Information Network - -
ARC American Red Cross CRA -
ARCO Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization - -
ARE United Arab Emirates - -
ARF Authority to Recruit Form - -
ARG Argentina - -
ARI Acute Respiratory Infections - -
ARM Armenia - -
ARO Americas Regional Office - -
AS Ambulance Support - -
ASM American Samoa - -
ASR Auxiliary/Alternate Supply Route - -
AT Autonomous Territories - -
ATA Antarctica - -
AtC Accountability to Communities - -
ATF French Southern Territories - -
ATG Antigua and Barbuda - -
ATM Automatic-Teller Machine - -
ATN Action for Trafficked Persons Network - -
AU African Union - -
AUS Australia - -
AUT Austria - -
AWD Acute Watery Diarrhoea - -
AZE Azerbaijan - -
BAU Business As Usual - -
BCC Behavioural Change Communication - -
BCG Bacillus Calmette–Guérin - -
BDI Burundi - -
BDRT Branch Disaster Response Team - -
BECC Borough Emergency Control Centre - -
BEL Belgium - -
BEN Benin - -
BES Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - -
BFA Burkina Faso - -
BGD Bangladesh - -
BGR Bulgaria - -
BHC Basic Health Care - -
BHOS Branch Health Officers - -
BHQ Branch Headquarters - -
BHR Bahrain - -
BHS Bahamas - -
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina - -
BLF Big Lottery Fund - -
BLM Saint Barthélemy - -
BLR Belarus - -
BLZ Belize - -
BMU Bermuda - -
BOL Bolivia, Plurinational State of - -
BOND British Overseas NGOs for Development - -
BPR Business Process Re-engineering - -
BRA Brazil - -
BRACED Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters - -
BRAG Blue Red Amber Green - -
BraVo Branch and Volunteer - -
BRB Barbados - -
BRC British Red Cross - -
BRCS British Red Cross Society - -
BRF Borough Resilience Forum - -
BRM Beneficiary Relationship Management - -
BRN Brunei Darussalam - -
BS Bull Shit - -
BSCC Behaviour and Social Change Communication - -
BST Business Support Team - -
BTB Back to Base - -
BTN Bhutan - -
BTP British Transport Police - -
BVI British Virgin Islands - -
BVT Bouvet Island - -
BWA Botswana - -
C4D Communication for development - -
C&A Communications and Advocacy - -