Acronym Index

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HISP Health Information Systems Programme - -
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus - -
HKG Hong Kong - -
HMD Heard Island and McDonald Islands - -
HMIS Health Management Information System - -
HND Honduras - -
HNS Host National Society - -
HO Head Office - -
HOD Head of Delegation - -
HORUS Held, Obtained, Recorded, Used and Shared - -
HOT Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team - -
HP Humanitarian Policy - -
HPC Humanitarian Programme Cycle - -
HPC Humanitarian Procurement Centres - -
HQ Headquarters - -
HR Human Resources - -
HRC Hellenic Red Cross - -
HRP Humanitarian Response Plan - -
HRV Croatia - -
H&S Health & Safety - -
HSP Humanitarian Service Point PSH -
HTI Haiti - -
HUN Hungary - -
HXL Humanitarian Exchange Language - -
IA Information Analyst - -
IAA Information Asset Administrator - -
IAO Information Asset Owner - -
IAR Information Asset Register - -
IARRM Inter-Agency Rapid Response Mechanism - -
IASC Inter Agency Standing Committee - -
IATI International Aid Transparency Initiative - -
ICA Integrated Context Analysis - -
ICCT Inter-Cluster Coordination Team - -
ICG International Coordination Group of Vaccines - -
ICJ International Court of Justice - -
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross - -
ID International Directorate - -
IDN Indonesia - -
IDP Internally Displaced Person - -
I&DT Information and Digital Technology - -
IEC Information, Education and Communications - -
IED Improvised Explosive Device - -
IEHK Interagency Emergency Health Kit - -
IFQMM International Fundraising Quarterly Management Meeting - -
IFRC The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies FICR FICR
IFRC GO The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies GO Platform - -
IFT International Family Tracing - -
IFTTT If This Then That - -
IHL International Humanitarian Law - -
IHR International Health Regulations - -
IIA or IiA Ideals in Action - -
IL Independent Living - -
ILCR Independent Living Crisis Response - -
ILO International Labour Organisation - -
ILP Acronym used to refer to International Law department - -
IM Information Management - -
IM Incident Management - -
IMDb Internet Movie Database - -
IMF International Monetary Fund - -
IMM International Management Methodology - -
IMN Isle of Man - -
IMO Information Management Officer - -
IMT International Management Team - -
IND India - -
INFORM INdex FOr Risk Management - -
INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group - -
IODC International Open Data Conference - -
IOM International Organization for Migration OIM OIM
IOS Interim Office Space - -
IOT British Indian Ocean Territory - -
IPA International Programme Accountant - -
IPC Infection, Prevention and Control - -
IRC International Rescue Committee - -
IRIN Integrated Regional Information Networks - -
IRL Ireland - -
IRN Iran, Islamic Republic of - -
IRQ Iraq - -
ISCG Inter Sector Coordination Group - -
ISL Iceland - -
ISO International Organisation of Standards - -
ISP Information Sharing Protocol - -
ISR Israel - -
IT Information Technology - -
ITA Italy - -
ITD Information Technology Department - -
ItRC Italian Red Cross - -
ITT Information Technology and Telecommunications - -
JAM Jamaica - -
JD Job Description - -
JESIP Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles - -
JEY Jersey - -
JFDI Just Fucking Do It - -
JIPS Joint IDP Profiling Service - -
JOR Jordan - -
JPN Japan - -
JSON JavaScript Object Notation - -
JTF Joint Task Force - -
KAP(B) Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (Behaviours) survey - -
KAZ Kazakhstan - -
KEN Kenya - -