Acronym Index

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UNDP United Nations Development Programme - -
UNDSS United Nationas Department for Safety and Security - -
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme - -
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - -
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund - -
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - -
UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund - -
UNIMS United Nations Information Management Service - -
UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research - -
UNOOSA United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs - -
URY Uruguay - -
USA United States of America - -
USG Under Secretary General - -
UTC Coordinated Universal Time - -
UZB Uzbekistan - -
VAC Vulnerability Assessment Committee - -
VAT Holy See - -
VCA Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment - -
VCS Voluntary and Community Sector - -
VCSEP Voluntary and Community Sector Emergencies Partnership - -
VCS NEP Voluntary and Community Sector National Emergency Partnership - -
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - -
VEN Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of - -
VfM Value for Money - -
VGB Virgin Islands, British - -
VHF Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers - -
VIR Virgin Islands, U.S. - -
VLAG Volunteer Leadership Action Group - -
VLE Virtual Learning Environment - -
VNM Viet Nam - -
VoT Victim of Trafficking - -
VSO Voluntary Services Overseas - -
VUT Vanuatu - -
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - -
WatSan Water & Sanitation - -
WBS Work Breakdown Structure - -
WCA West and Central Africa - -
WFH Working From Home - -
WFP World Food Programme WFP PAM
WHCA Water at the Heart of Climate Action - -
WHO World Health Organization - -
WHS World Humanitarian Summit - -
WIP Work in Progress - -
WLF Wallis and Futuna - -
WMS Web Map Service - -
WQS Water Quality Surveillance - -
WSM Samoa - -
WTU Water Treatment Unit - -
WVI World Vision International - -
YEM Yemen - -
YPE Youth Peer Engagement - -
YTD Year to date - -
ZAF South Africa - -
ZAP Zero Acronym Policy - -
ZimVAC Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee - -
ZMB Zambia - -
ZRBI Zambezi River Basin Initiative - -
ZWE Zimbabwe - -