Acronym Index

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CAC Community Assistance Centre - -
CAIM Coordinated Assessment and Information Management - -
CaLP Cash and Learning Partnership - -
CAP Consolidated Appeals Process - -
CAPS Community Animation and Peace Support - -
CAR Central African Republic - -
CAR Child Advocacy and Rehabilitation - -
CARP Child Advocacy and Rehabilitation Programme - -
CAS Country Assistance Strategy - -
CB Capacity Building - -
CBA Cash Based Assistance - -
CBA Comparative Bid Analysis - -
CBA Community Based Assistance - -
CBDP Community Based Disaster Preparedness - -
CBDRM Community Based Disaster Risk Management - -
CBDRR Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction - -
CBFA Community Based First Aid - -
CBHC Community Based Health Care - -
CBHFA Community Based Health - First Aid - -
CBHP Community Based Health Programme - -
CBP Cash Based Programming - -
CBPF Country Based Pool Fund - -
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or Explosive Events - -
CCA Civil Contingencies Act - -
CCA Climate Change Adaptation - -
CCBHI Comprehensive Community Based Health Intervention - -
CCCM Camp Coordination and Camp Management - -
CCG Clinical Commissioning Group - -
CCST Country Cluster Support Team - -
CDAC Communicating with Disaster Affected Communities network - -
CDEMA Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency - -
CEA Community Engagement and Accountability - -
CEBAF Centros Binacionales de Atención en Frontera - -
CEMAS Community Equipment and Mobility Aids Services - -
CERF Central Emergency Response Fund - -
CERT Community Emergency Response Teams - -
CEST Central European Summer Time - -
CEWS Community Early Warning Systems - -
CFR Case Fatality Ratio/Case Fatality Rate/Case Fatality Risk - -
CFS Child Friendly Spaces - -
CHAST Children’s Health and Sanitation Training - -
CHD Congenital Heart Disease - -
CHL Chile - -
CHN China - -
CHS Core Humanitarian Standard - -
CIC Complains, Issues and Concerns - -
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States - -
CIV Côte d'Ivoire - -
CLISS Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel - -
CMR Cameroon - -
CO Country Office - -
COB Close of Business - -
CoC Committee of Contract - -
COD Congo, the Democratic Republic of the - -
COD Common Operation Dataset - -
COG Congo - -
COI Country of Origin Information - -
COK Cook Islands - -
COL Colombia - -
CoLP City of London Police - -
COM Comoros - -
COMBI Communication for Behavioural Impact - -
COP Conference of the Parties - -
COPD Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease - -
CP Cash Programming - -
CP Child Protection - -
CP3 Community Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness Program - -
CPV Cabo Verde - -
CR Community Resilience - -
CR Crisis Response - -
CRCC Crisis Response Contact Centre - -
CREPD Centro de Referencia en Preparación Institucional para Desastres - -
CRI Costa Rica - -
CRI Croce Rossa Italiana - -
CRM Customer Relationship Management - -
CRV Community Reserve Volunteer - -
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility - -
CSRU Community Safety and Resilience Unit - -
CTC Contribution To Costs - -
CTC Cholera Treatment Centre - -
CTDC Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative - -
CTE Centre de Traitement Ebola - -
CTP Cash Transfer Programme - -
CUB Cuba - -
CUW Curaçao - -
CVA Cash and Voucher Assistance - -
CVA Cruz Vermelha Angolana (Angola Red Cross) - -
CVM Mozambique Red Cross (Cruz Cermelha de Moçambique) - -
CwC Communicating with Communities - -
CXB Cox's Bazaar - -
CXR Christmas Island - -
CYM Cayman Islands - -
CYP Cyprus - -
CZE Czechia - -
DAB Design Authority Board - -
DAD Development Assistance Database - -
DAG DREF Advisory Group - -
DAPS Dignity, Access, Participation and Safety - -
DCM Disaster and Crisis Management Department/Directorate - -
DCPRR Disaster and Crisis Prevention, Response and Recovery - -