Acronym Index

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DDM Department of Disaster Management - -
DDT Decommissioning, De-sludging and Toilet Construction - -
DEC Disasters Emergency Committee - -
DEEP Data Entry and Exploratory Platform - -
DEFF Design Effect - -
DEU Germany - -
DFID Department for International Development - -
DFS Data Friendly Space - -
DGHS Directorate General of Health Services (of Bangladesh) - -
DGHS Directorate General of Health Services - -
DHIS District Health Information System - -
DHN Digital Humanitarian Network - -
DJI Djibouti - -
DM Disaster Management - -
DM Duty Manager - -
DMA Dominica - -
DMC Disaster Management Coordinator - -
DMIS Disaster Management Information System - -
DMM Decision Making Matrix - -
DMS Development Management Skils - -
DMT Directorate Management Team - -
DMU Disaster Management Unit - -
DMWG Disaster Management Working Group - -
DNK Denmark - -
DOI Digital Object Identifier - -
DOM Dominican Republic - -
DPIA Data Protection Impact Assessments - -
DPO Data Protection Officer - -
DPRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea - -
DQ Data Quality - -
DRC Danish Refugee Council - -
DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo - -
DRC Danish Red Cross - -
DRCE Disaster Response Capacity Enhancement - -
DREF Disaster Relief Emergency Fund - -
DRIM Deployment, Rostering and Incident Management (tool) - -
DRM Disaster Risk Management - -
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction - -
DSE Display Screen Equipment - -
DTC Diarrhea Treatment Centres - -
DTM Displacement Tracking Matrix - -
DZA Algeria - -
EA Emergency Appeal - -
EAC Educate A Child - -
EAP Early Action Protocol - -
EASO European Asylum Support Office - -
EC Emergency Centre - -
ECHO European Commission Office of Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection - -
EcoSec Economic Security - -
ECU Emergency Crisis Unit - -
ECU Ecuador - -
ECV Epidemic Control for Volunteers - -
EDA Exploratory Data Analysis - -
EDI Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - -
EEU Emergency Equipment Uni - -
EFA Event First Aid - -
EGY Egypt - -
EHI Essential Household Items - -
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment - -
EiE Education in Emergencies - -
EIL Efficiency, Impact, and Localisation - -
ELT Executive Leadership Team - -
EMOPS Office of Emergency Programmes (UNICEF) - -
EMS Emergency Medical Services - -
EMT Emergency Medical Teams - -
EMT Emergency Management Teams - -
ENA Emergency Needs Assessment - -
EoC Emergency Operations Cluster - -
EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal - -
EOE Emergency Operation Evaluation - -
EOIM Emergency Operation and Information Managment - -
EOM End of Mission - -
EPO Emergency Planning Officer - -
EPoA Emergency Plan of Action - -
EPOS Electronic Point of Sale - -
EPS Earthquake Preparedness for Safer Communities - -
ER Emergency Response - -
ERAT Emergency Rapid Assessment Team - -
ERC Emergency Relief Coordinator - -
ERF Emergency Response Framework - -
ERI Eritrea - -
ERO Emergency Response Officer - -
EROM Emergency Response Operations Manager - -
ERU Emergency Response Unit - -
ERV Emergency Reserve Volunteers - -
ERV Emergency Response Volunteers - -
ESA East and South Africa - -
ESCG Evacuation and Shelter Coordination Group - -
ESH Western Sahara - -
ESP Spain - -
ESSN Economic Social Safety Net - -
EST Estonia - -
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival - -
ETC Ebola Treatment Centre - -
ETC Emergency Telecoms Cluster - -
ETF Emergency Task Force - -
ETH Ethiopia - -
ETS Emergency Telecommunications Sector - -
EVD Ebola Virus Disease - -
EVS European Voluntary Service - -