Acronym Index

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SDC Swiss Development Cooperation - -
SDG Sustainable Development Goals - -
SDK Software Development Kit - -
SDN Sudan - -
sEAP Simplified Early Action Protocol - -
SEN Senegal - -
SERO Senior Emergency Response Officer - -
SFI Strategies For Implementation - -
SG Secretary General - -
SGBV Sexual and Gender Based Violence - -
SGP Singapore - -
SGS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - -
SHN Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha - -
SIA Social Impact Assesment - -
SimEx Simulation Exercise - -
SIMS Surge Information Management Support - -
SIRO Senior Information Risk Owner - -
SitRep Situation Report - -
SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen - -
SLB Solomon Islands - -
SLE Sierra Leone - -
SLT Strategic Leadership Team or Senior Leadership Team - -
SLV El Salvador - -
SM Service Manager - -
SMCC Strengthening Movement Coordination and Cooperation RCCM -
SME Subject Matter Expert - -
SMP Strategic Migration Partnership - -
SMR San Marino - -
SMS Short Messaging Service - -
SMT Senior Management Team - -
SOF Strategic Operational Framework - -
SOM Somalia - -
SOP Standard Operating Procedures - -
SPAC Salud y Primeros Auxilios Comunitarios (ES) - -
SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon - -
S&R Search and Rescue - -
SRB Serbia - -
SRC Survivor Reception Centre - -
SRCA Saudi Red Crescent Authority - -
SRH Sexual and Reproductive Health - -
SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - -
SSC Shared Service Centre - -
SSD South Sudan - -
SSN Social Safety Nets - -
STP Sao Tome and Principe - -
STT Shelter Technical Team - -
SUR Suriname - -
SURE Strengthening Urban Resilience and Engagement - -
SVK Slovakia - -
SVN Slovenia - -
SVPR Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement - -
SWC Swiss Red Cross - -
SWE Sweden - -
SWOTs Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats - -
SWZ Swaziland - -
SXM Sint Maarten - -
SYC Seychelles - -
SYR Syrian Arab Republic - -
TAG Technical Advisory Group - -
TAP Team Action Plan - -
TBD To Be Determined - -
TCD Chad - -
TCG Tactical Coordination Group (also known as Silver Command) - -
TCI Turks and Caicos Islands - -
TF Task Force - -
TGO Togo - -
THA Thailand - -
TJK Tajikistan - -
TKL Tokelau - -
TKM Turkmenistan - -
TL Team Leader - -
TLA Three Letter Acronyms - -
TLS Timor-Leste - -
TOIL Time Off In Lieu - -
TON Tonga - -
ToR Terms of Reference - -
ToT Training of Trainers - -
TTO Trinidad and Tobago - -
TUN Tunisia - -
TUR Turkey - -
TUV Tuvalu - -
TWG Technical Working Group - -
TWN Taiwan, Province of China - -
TZA Tanzania, United Republic of - -
UASC Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children - -
UAT User Acceptance Testing - -
UBD Unsolicited Bilateral Donations - -
UCL Upper Confidence Limit - -
UGA Uganda - -
UKBA United Kingdom Border Agency - -
UKEG UK Emergency Guidance - -
UKO United Kingdom Operations - -
UKO United Kingdom Office - -
UKPN UK Power Networks - -
UKR Ukraine - -
UMI United States Minor Outlying Islands - -
UMN Undocumented Myanmar Nationals - -
UN United Nations - -
UNAIDS Joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS - -
UNDAC United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination - -