Acronym Index

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MTR Mid Term Review - -
MUAC Mid-Upper Arm Circumference - -
MUS Mauritius - -
MVP Minimum Viable Product - -
MWI Malawi - -
MYS Malaysia - -
MYT Mayotte - -
NAM Namibia - -
NARE Needs Assessment for Refugee Emergencies - -
NASA National Aeronautic and Space Administration - -
NAVCA National Association for Voluntary and Community Action - -
NCC National Volunteering Coordination Cell - -
NCD Non-Communicable Diseases - -
NCL New Caledonia - -
NCS National Citizenship Service - -
NDMA National Disaster Management Authority - -
NDPRM National Disaster Preparedness for Response Mechanisms - -
NDRT National Disaster Response Team - -
NE Natural Earth - -
NEET Not in Education, Employment, or Training - -
NELFT North East London NHS Foundation Trust - -
NEMA National Emergency Management Agency - -
NER Niger - -
NERG National Emergency Response Group - -
NET National Emergencies Trust - -
NFIs Non Food Items - -
NFK Norfolk Island - -
NGA Nigeria - -
NGO Non Governmental Organization - -
NHA National Humanitarian Action - -
NIC Nicaragua - -
NIT National Intervention Team - -
NIU Niue - -
NLD Netherlands - -
NLRC the Netherlands Red Cross - -
NNA Niñas, niños y adolescentes (girls, boys and adolescents) - -
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - -
NOR Norway - -
NorCross Norwegian Red Cross - -
NPL Nepal - -
NRC Norwegian Refugee Council - -
NRU Nauru - -
NRX Norwegian Red Cross - -
NS National Society - -
NSD National Society Development - -
NSDP National Society Disaster Preparedness - -
NSLCE National Society Capacity Enhancement Tool - -
NSLD National Society Logistics Development - -
OCAC Organisational Capacity Assessment and Certification - -
OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - -
OCIMT Overseas Critical Incident Management Team - -
OCV Oral Cholera Vaccine - -
OD Organizational Development - -
ODA Official Development Assistance - -
ODI Overseas Development Institute - -
ODI Open Data Institute - -
ODK Open Data Kit - -
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - -
OFDA Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance - -
OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights - -
OIAI Office of Internal Audit and Investigations - -
OMN Oman - -
OMT Organisational Management Team - -
ONS Office for National Statistics - -
ONS Operating National Society - -
OPD Operating Department Practitioner - -
ORP Oral rehydration point - -
OS Ordnance Survey - -
OSB Oriented Strand Board - -
OSB OverSeas Branch - -
OSDL Overseas Deployment List - -
OSM OpenStreetMap - -
OSS Operations Systems Support - -
OTP Outpatient Therapy - -
P&A Performance and Accountability - -
PAC Pan African Conference - -
PADRU Pan American Disaster Response Unit - -
PAK Pakistan - -
PAN Panama - -
PASSA Participatory Approach for Safe Shelter Awareness - -
PCM Projects & Programme Cycle Management - -
PCN Pitcairn - -
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction - -
PDC Pacific Disaster Centre - -
PDM Post-Distribution Monitoring - -
PDP Personal Development Plan - -
PEAR Project Expenditure Approval Request - -
PER Preparedness for Effective Response - -
PER Peru - -
PERCO Platform for European Red Cross Cooperation on Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants - -
PES Providing Emotional Support - -
PGI Protection, Gender and Inclusion - -
PHAP Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection - -
PHAST Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation - -
PHE Public Health England - -
PHEIC Public Health Emergency of International Concern - -
PHiE Public Health in Emergencies - -
PHL Philippines - -
PHSA Public Health Situation Analysis - -
PII Personally Identifiable Information - -